Tuesday 17 May 2011

Tuesday 27 April 2011


I got some sleep last night but I had another dream about Connie turning into one of those monsters. Let's face it, anything out of the ordinary, these days, is labelled a monster, so that's what I'm calling her. Also, if I'm honest, totally honest, I'm feeling a little bit horny too. It happens doesn't it. There doesn't have to be a “mood”, candles on the table, music playing in the background or the right atmos. Sometimes it's just enough to have your testicles filled to bursting point with good old semen that wants to come out somehow. It's an urge that needs to be fulfilled. Even in the face of adversity, hormones demand attention or some sort of satisfaction.

Someone called Heather phoned from head office today to let me know where I stand. I'm not fired, good. I'm still in a job. A grand total of seventeen people from the company are off with the virus, or viral related symptoms. I'm still getting full pay. Just as well, the bills still need paying and they (work) were the ones that told me not to come in.

The first case of the virus, which they have given a name but I wasn't listening properly to the news, has been discovered in England in Carlisle. So it has finally made its way over the border. Let's see the Prime Minister shrug it off now. It's your responsibility now. England's stiff upper lip has a scab on it, get a cure or vaccine or whatever government money buys these days.

Let's hope it doesn't go international.

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