Sunday, 3 July 2011


I've not had much to eat this morning, I know it's bad to exercise on an empty stomach and all that, blah, blah, but I feel very awake, obviously after my initial tiredness from doing weights on an empty stomach, but I do definitely feel charged now. I'm going to tackle one of those zombie bastards today or tonight, I'm not exactly too sure when, but I do know I am actually going to face one. I have to decide whether it'll be best during the day time when I can see where it comes from or where I can run to, if need be. Or, maybe night time will be preferable, no witness if it does get a bit messy. Then again if I'm odds with my surroundings that could prove fatal, for me, not knowing where to take cover. The point is, I have to do this or else punch myself in the crotch, sit back and wait for the virus to get me.

This is it. The first step towards survival.


Holy Shite!!! What a buzz! I know I shouldn't be on a high, but I am. I can't help it and I'll try to type in a controlled manner but that was amazing! Right, time out brain. I am touching my heart....yes, it's still there. You'll remember my plan for an encounter with Mr. or Mrs. Zed?, well, this is how it went...

I did a few reps on the dumbbells, to get my muscles pumped up, and yes I posed in front the wardrobe mirror, it was a confidence booster then I got tooled up. I'm not saying it's acceptable to carry a knife on the streets of Britain, because it's not, and it's still very much against the law, however on this occasion a knife was very, very much necessary if I were to survive an encounter with a zombie.

I bid my time until 21:00 exactly then left the flat. I've rigged the front door to the electricity socket in the hall, for extra security when I'm out. I can get in without being shocked because there is another handle (more of a small latch) at the top of the door that is connected to the main handle. When this handle is turned it disengages the mains power from the handle, thus letting me in. No-one would dream of looking up for the other handle which, incidentally, is painted the same black as the door.

The streets are getting more and more busy by the day, with zombies at least. I'm noticing fewer and fewer actual human noises: laughter, music, talk, although there are more instances of crying and screaming, which is usually quite short lived. I stayed close to the parked cars, what little there are left, most have skipped the town before the road blocks really kicked in. I felt like a right loony, like I was a little kid again, playing soldiers with my pals. Every now and again I'd pop my head up over the bonnet of a car to look for a zombie, then I would scan the surrounding windows to make sure no-one was watching me make dick of myself. I still have some pride.

It took me twenty-five, maybe thirty-five minutes to walk along to the Academy, it would usually have taken ten at a leisurely pace, but I was taking no chances. I was ready to move on past the school when I saw something move in the playground, near the bins. I only saw a single figure and moved closer, all the time looking around, checking my back, surviving and expecting the worse, always looking, always listening.

The side gate was open so that's where I entered, as quiet as a mouse. It was a zombie, walking about in some sort of trance or something, but it...she just seemed to be walking from bin to bin, head down, bumping off one bin, turning round then bumping off the other. The skin was broken on her forehead but it didn't bother her. She looked no older than sixteen, and was still wearing her school uniform. She had lovely long blonde hair, only the front wasn't lovely and blonde, it was damp and red where the broken skin had spread blood onto it. I had a good look around before getting closer, I didn't want to chance one of those things taking me by surprise if they even had the element of surprise. I sure as hell wasn't going to take any chances.

It was quite a surprise when she eventually noticed me, even though I'd been creeping up on her. Always expecting, always watching, always ready to run or shit my pants.

She moved fast, faster than I expected. I don't know, for some reason I had expected someone with a dead brain to walk, ambling along giving time to think about how to avoid or engage. Not a chance, she fucking flew at me, teeth gnashing, screaming at me like I was the one that made her dead. I turned to run but my legs were like jelly and gave way. I fell and one of the knives I was carrying slid out my pocket, just as well or I may have punctured myself. I turned and she was on top of me, I grabbed her throat, keeping those gnashing teeth at arms length. I somehow managed to overpower her and throw her to the ground, then make for the knife. Bloody thing looked a million miles away. I managed to scramble to it, ripping my good jeans in the process, and turned to see a young girl throw herself at me only to land on the knife. It went right in through her throat and she fell to the ground. There was no screaming, no motion, nothing. But I took no chances and wasted no time in dragging her body and dumping it in one of the bins she and her split head were so attracted to earlier. She looked like a light thing. She wasn't, all limp and difficult to lift. I got my knife back from her throat, wiped it and hid it somewhere between the school and here. I can't say where because I'm still not one hundred percent sure that what I've done isn't murder. She was a zombie, but she was a girl.

I hate to say this but it was a buzz and a half. I'll lie low for a while, and return after a few days, see if maybe she's still there or....God knows what. I don't think anyone has been to that school in weeks and the bin lorry hasn't been round since...fuck knows when.

It's my fist zombie bag and I'm shitting it. I'm going to try and get some sleep, I need the rest before my heart packs in.

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