Saturday, 4 June 2011


I found half a box of all bran at the back of the cupboard where I store the pots and pans. The packet isn't out of date but not long until it is, if that stuff ever goes off. How would you know, it's not as if you could tell by getting the shits, cause that's what it's supposed to do. Took a full bowl anyway, just hope I don't shite myself with nerves when I'm out in the close. I'm going to listen out for that voice upstairs again, wink, wink.


That is one fucked up place upstairs! I couldn't stay in there for long, I'm just not used to creeping around in someone else's house. My heart is pumping. If I had got caught up there, God knows what could have happened to me. I reckon they'd have thrown away the key, and not surprising, it's like a mad scientist's lab; everywhere I looked there was some gadget with lights, some still active/flashing, or tubes going from one contraption to another. It's a bit difficult to describe so I'll see if I can take a picture the next time I'm up, which certainly won't be today. The lock is back on and that's the way it'll stay until I'm sure no-one is returning.

I'm getting excited again. I feel like a little boy who's about to break into an abandoned shed or sneak into a garden and steal from the apple tree.

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