I'm up early. I don't know why, just couldn't sleep. Strange, when it's too quiet, almost no noise in the world. There aren't even any tick-tocking clocks in the flat. When Connie moved in I made sure she didn't bring her large pink ticking tocking clock. The few times I stayed at her (mum and dad's) house that clock drove me crazy. TICK! TOCK! TICK! Bloody TOCK!!!! Just like Chinese water torture. What I would do for that annoying tick-tocking right now. I suppose I could leave the radio or TV running in the background but that costs money that I can ill afford to squander on my meagre salary.
I ventured outside the building and spoke with Peter's dad from the next close. He was out packing a lot of stuff into his car and going on holiday, well that's what he told me. I suspect he's running away.
When I was talking to Peter's dad, an ambulance ran into one of the traffic lights on Union Street, then crashed into a brick wall. I was too far away to help, which was just as well. I watched as two cars stopped, the drivers got out to see if everyone was ok then something, someone burst out the back doors and ran at the guy from the first car. Whoever it was that ran from the back of the ambulance took that poor guy down like he was just a kid, teeth right into his neck. Peter's dad turned to me, pointed to the ambulance and said 'That's why I'm leaving. I suggest you do the same. This isn't going to stop any time soon.'
I didn't hear what else he said because I'm not that great listener. He could have said my hair was on fire or that he was about to implode in twenty seconds time for all I know, but I don't think he said any of them, it was probably something like This place is shite! Goodbye.
There's something funny/ironic about accidents involving the emergency services.
It's been very quiet in the close. I took the odd peek out of the spyhole to see if there was any signs of life; nothing!
I am currently residing at Lonely Street, but not Heartbreak Hotel. I still have my sense of humour, but for how long. Peter's dad is right, this place is shite!
I have an idea of how to get to Connie. It could take me hours, even days, but I have to try.
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