Friday, 22 April 2011

22 April 2011

Friday 22 April 2011


I phoned the hospital to find out how Connie was, the hospital told me there had been complications during the night and one of her friends had fallen victim to the virus then went on the rampage through the ward. The nurse also told me not to worry as things were under control. Why do people insist on pretending things are fine, when they quite clearly ARE NOT! My work hasn't even phoned to see how I am. I could be dead for all they know. I'll phone them later.


Can't get through to my work. They're never too busy to answer the phone. What's going on?

Inverclyde is on the news for all the wrong reasons again. God, it's been everything from misdiagnosed smear tests, to releasing bombers from prison due to cancer to this, a virus that kills then reanimates. Brilliant.

Inverclyde Royal isn't taking any more in patients. Well, they're trying not to but the influx of local infected is overwhelming. People are turning up in their droves, but there isn't enough staff to cope with the situation. I'm sure the news channels still exaggerate to get our undivided attention.


Fuck this, I haven't heard a word from the hospital in hours. Yes, I did try to phone, but I can't get through. I'm going to drive up to Glasgow and see what's going on for myself. I hope the bastard car stars. Don't buy Renault!

Hope Connie is all right.

I'll try and update this journal from my android phone. Praise the lord for Google.

Hold on Connie, here I come....engine permitting.

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